MODA-MARK mobile application

Brand new fashion app for the most fashionable and stylish

MODA-MARK is a groundbreaking project in the field of the fashion industry, offering an alternative look at online shopping. It's moved online shopping to the next level.

Techinform developed an e-commerce platform, on the basis of which you can create images on highly realistic avatars online. Any items from the catalogue are presented on models in different poses, which creates the impression of a real photo shoot. Images are then published in the main news stream of the project, where each user can view and purchase the looks or items they like.

MODA-MARK gives everyone an opportunity not only to create fashion-images on virtual avatars, but also to earn real money from selling items from created images.

Just one click in the fitting mode allows to modify the finished images, create new ones, combine items from different brands, and share your creations on social networks of your choice.

Main features of the application:

  • Online fitting room: unique looks from virtual images of real clothing items, using the virtual fitting room.
  • Social network: users can publish their images in the main stream of the project. They can subscribe to other members of the project, evaluate and comment on their looks.
  • Online shop: buy any items from members looks or from the online catalogue.
  • Bonus program: members earn money when someone purchases items from the looks they created.
  • Referal system: members can share their referral code with them friends and constantly increase their reward from sales.

About projest

5th of august 2017 the mobile app has been published in russian Apple Store.

At now techinform still develop app by agile methodology.

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