Spending optimization in Financial Crisis or how to survive in 2016

Company blog    Business magazine

For most companies, 2016 is the year of reviewing their operating principles. The field of information technology (IT) can offer business owners many options to increase profits, increase customer loyalty, reduce costs by introducing a system of internal reporting control, and through the introduction of modern process optimization tools.

Why optimize business processes? To save!

It is the implementation of IT that will help to realize the conceived by minimal means. What is necessary to start? It is necessary to choose an experienced IT company that can offer the project of automation, realize it to the fullest, and also offer effective tools.

For example, we saved 80% of the advertising budget of the automobile dealer "Bashavtokom" using the platform for generating customers. In addition, with the help of this service, the process of processing unanswered phone calls of customers that leave applications outside of working hours is organized.

Users of mobile devices - a paying audience, with which you also need to find a contact. Smartphone - a handy gadget that allows you to easily use your company's services, be aware of special offers and promotions. Do you have a showroom - give the mobile audience the ability to record for a test drive or for a service without tedious calls through the operator. You own a restaurant or hotel - tell the users of your application about the new dishes of the chef, and then immediately offer to book a table.
In this article I would like to share the experience of automating the process of purchasing one of the pharmacy chains, which allows you to save up to 1.2% of working capital, with a payback period of less than a year.

Electronic marketplace. Service of automated carrying out of reductions and microtorgs integrated with 1C accounting system.

We were faced with the task of optimizing the process of selecting suppliers of medicines and drugs by eliminating the human factor leading to a suboptimal choice. The goal that the owner of the pharmacy network wanted to achieve through the implementation of this project is to increase the transparency of all conducted reductions and reduce costs.

A key feature of the developed ETP system is that the system automatically splits the suppliers' bids and proposals into separate positions and conducts a preliminary identification of the suppliers list for the current application for each item. At the same time, after the formation of the preliminary list of suppliers, the system offers participants participation in micro-bids for the positions of the application for the final formation of the list of suppliers. Two-stage holding of the contest allows the pharmacy network to get the best value of each application practically without the participation of purchasing managers.

Automation of the procurement process from suppliers based on the product matrix. Used to form orders for an electronic trading platform.
After the successful launch of the ETP, the owner, impressed by the implementation of the site, decided to immediately proceed to the second stage of the automation strategy: to organize self-purchase of products on the basis of current commodity stocks.
This time the task was to ensure the timeliness of ordering goods to suppliers and to improve the accuracy of calculating the needs of the network (or individual pharmacies of the pharmacy network) in the product.
In the developed system, for each pharmacy of the pharmacy network, the purchasing manager establishes the minimum balances of commodity stocks that must be in stock. In order to exclude the risks of incorrect formation of the product matrix in the system, an analytical module has been developed that analyzes past and current demand for products, applies seasonal coefficients and independently (for the time being in semi-automatic training mode) generates applications for products in ETP.
How to survive in 2016?
Optimize business processes, develop new products and solutions, and seek new contacts with the target audience. Use all the capabilities of IT to solve your business problems.